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New App and Website Update

The House of Faith Church updates website and adds App feature.

The House of Faith Church is hard at work updating the church website and adding the new app feature for iPhone and Android devices. The original website [] will still be available for desktops and cellphones if users choose to use a browser; however, the addition of the app streamlines some of the basic website features for keeping up to date with articles, announcements, and events.

For the last few days, work has focused on adding features and elements to the app and cleaning up the website and some of its features to prepare for the next phase of The House of Faith Church and its ministry. The next big announcement will be coming in late summer or early autumn, and it will be a doozie! We are currently working on making all of our ecumenical studies available online and restarting the in-person biblical schooling. We are working hard to update the materials, streamline the learning process, and make our studies as rich and biblically accurate as possible to bring a unique value to the teachings.

Until then, enjoy the website and nearly 900 sermons available for free in our archives. Current sermon videos and special events are also available for free on our website, Facebook page, and new App..

God Bless!


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